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JPT Workshop

Techno-Commercial Challenges in Field Development Planning

2 Jan 2018 Tehran 

The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

(ADIPEC) 13 - 16 Nov 2017 ADNEC Abu Dhabi, UAE

Energy Education in the Community

SPE's Energy4me website outlines how the Oil and Gas industry affects society and provides ways for professionals to explain industry operations and practices to the general public. It's also an ideal educational resource for teachers and students.

SPE Iran Section was established in.2001 and has around 4000 members in Iran The SPE activities are, in order to promoting knowledge of the members: To held seminars, short courses, technical groups….
SPE-Iran website aims to provide  Iran 's most comprehensive of  information about Petroleum  engineering, including news, seminars and work shops, archive, and details of student chapters programs and the program for young E&P professionals.
Well log Interpretation

Carbonate Reservoir Characterization

Carbonate Sedimentology

Coiled Tubing and New Technology

Depletion Planning and Reporting

Drilling Engineering – Skill Cementing Operations

Elements Of Reservoir Petrophysical Evaluation

Evaluation Methods of Gas Shales

Evaluation Methods of Shale Gas Reservoirs

Formation Evaluation for Exploration and Development

Fractured Reservoir Management

Fractured Reservoirs

Gas Field Reservoir Management

Gas Hydreate

Gas Shale Reservoir Evaluation Methods

Heavy Oil Exploitation

Heavy Organics DepostionsIn Petroleum

HPHT Wells drilling Intervention and Extended

Hydrocarbon Reservoir Permeability Prediction

Hydrocarbon Reservoir rock sedimentology

Oil and Gas Wells Completion and Sand Control Methods

Petrolects Training Oil and Gas Wells Completion and Sand Control Methods

Practical well log analysis for gas shale reservoirs

Practical well log analysis

Production Forecasting for Reserves Estimation and Performance Assessment in both Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs

Reservoir Petrophysics

Rock Mechanics and Wellbore Stability

Rock Mechanics for Underground Gas Storage

Shale Oil gas Development

SPE- Iran Technical Workshop 2016

Unconventional Oil Recovery Techniques

Waterflooding Best Practices

Zagros Field Trip

SPE-Iran Technical Workshop 2018

Distinguished Lecturer (Archives)

• 2019-2020

• 2018-2019

• 2017-2018

• 2016-2017

• 2015-2016

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• 2013-2014

• 2012-2013

• 2011-2012

• 2010-2011

• 2009-2010

• 2008-2009

• 2007-2008

• 2006-2007

Download a historical list of all of our Distinguished Lecturers

HSE Now is a source for news and technical information affecting health, safety, security, environment, social responsibility, regulation, and quality aspects of the upstream oil and gas industry.

Radioactive gas tracers
What substances are used as tracers? How and why are they valuable? What can be learned from their use?

 PetroWiki is a free resource from SPE to answer many basic petroleum engineering and operational questions. SPE professional members can contribute their expertise by updating or adding to PetroWiki content.

Who We Are
SPE is the largest individual member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. 
More about SPE
Energy Education in the Community
SPE's Energy4me
program is an ideal educational resource for teachers and students. Visit the website to learn how Oil and Gas industry and operations affect our society.